Friday, January 22, 2010

Catching On

We've been telling and showing aydri how to say "bye, bye" for a little while now. She will wave bye bye occationally, but it seemed very random and I didn't really think she understood completely. Well, today, Kendi brought a friend home with her from Ballet and I had them go in her room where they could play with all the toys without worrying about aydri choking on any of them. I was listening to them on the moniter when I could hear aydri's voice in there too. I went and picked her up and took her out. As I was setting her down in the living room she waved and said, "bah, bah," a few times. It was so cute to see her finally say it like she knew what was going on even if it was a minute too late.

Now, Aydri thinks she can stand all by herself. She does for a second and then crashes hard. I can never get to her fast enough. I don't know why she falls so hard. I hope she gets better at it soon.

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