Friday, November 6, 2009

Yes Man

Kendi's latest little thing is to say "Yes man," whenever I ask her a question. She must have heard people saying, "Yes ma'am," in a movie, but she doesn't know the word ma'am. She always says it so proper and politely. It makes me smile.

Aydri is turning into a little explorer. She scoot/crawls anywhere she wants to go. Her latest favorite discoveries are french fries and cheerios.

A few days ago, I was visiting my parents house. Kendi was in the back bedroom watching Mary Poppins. All of a sudden we heard a crash coming from the room she was in. Jared went to investigate. Kendi had been watching the part with the penguins where Burt adjusts his pants to dance like the penguins. Kendi wanted to dance like penguins too. She was standing on the bed and had adjusted her pants to be down around her ankles. When she tried to dance she fell off the bed.

We always ask Kendi after church about what she did in nursery. Last Sunday she had a picture she had colored that said, "I can be happy when I say I'm sorry." So I asked Kendi what she had learned about and she told me about a story she had heard. I prodded her a little further to see if she had learned about saying sorry and she quickly responded, "I didn't hit Blythe."

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