Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wednesday, December 16th

Jared got off to a late start so I knew it was going to be a longer day for me. Everything started out like it normally does. Kendi and I cleaned and started laundry. Aydri played and took naps. Aydri is getting to be a handful. Gone are the days when she would just sit in one spot and play with toys. Now she thinks she needs to climb on everything constantly. She's even starting to cruise. She's too little to do this. You can barely see her head over the top of the couch cushions as she shimmy's along. She even thinks she needs to stand up in the bathtub. I let her stand up as long as she wants to so she will get stonger and have more control, but I have to be right there in case she falls, which she almost always does. Silly girl.

Kendi is being funny about getting bigger. She will stand up and say, "Look how big I am." After cleaning the car out I installed her carseat so that we could just buckle her in with a seatbelt and she loves it. Also, whenever I tell her that its time for a bath she asks to take a shower like a big person. She got especially excited this morning and squeeled, "I wear seatbelts and take showers! I'm so 'sited!" She makes me laugh.

I finally got the bathrooms cleaned that I had been meaning to do for two days. For some odd reason as I was finishing up I started to feel completely worn out. Aydri hadn't been sleeping well during her naps so I put her down so I could take a nap. I told Kendi to wake me up if Aydri cried. Kendi loves responsibity and offered to take care of Aydri when she woke up. I thought I would hear her if she woke up while I was asleep. Thinking she would finally take a long nap I was dissapointed to be woken up after about ten minutes of sleep. Kendi had even tried to give her her binkie, but she was ready to get up. Once again Kendi offered to "babysit" so I could rest. I really wasn't feeling well so I layed down on the couch and watched the kids play. Kendi was such a sweetheart. She brought me a blanket and a teddy bear. She would come over and stand by me and say, "I'm taking care of you," or "I love you, mommy." She would tuck in the blanket and even climbed on top of me.

Jared finally came home at four and could tell I wasn't feel well. He made dinner and took care of the kids while I continued to rest. We went to his parents early to watch the rest of the finaly of SYTYCD. I continued to lay on the couch over there and probably layed there for three hours. Luckily Aydri was tired enough to fall asleep on her dad while we watched the show. We went home and I went straight to bed. I thought I was on the downhill side of this sickness, but that was the worst day I had had yet.

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