Monday, January 4, 2010

Dear Aydri - 8 Months Old

You're not very enthusiastic about eating. You would rather be playing and you get distracted by other people in the room. It takes quite a while to get a good meal down. Lots of games and trying to sneak food in your mouth. Very opposite from how your sister ate. We couldn't shovel it in fast enough for her. You get the most excited when I say, "All done!"

You are an explorer. And a sneaky one too. I think your right there by me and when I look up you've disappeared without a sound. You are good at getting yourself in trouble. You love to pull your self up on everything and you'll even grab a toy and stand there for a second. You have different ways of crawling depending on what you're doing. You'll crawl around using the bottom of your right foot so you can transition to sitting right away when you need to. When you get excited to get somewhere you'll try to crawl so fast that you almost stay in place. Its very cold outside, but you love to go for stroller rides.

You laugh a lot when you're really tired. Kendi makes you laugh the hardest. You play peekaboo with yourself by pulling the blankets up and down over your head. You love to sing whenever someone else starts singing. You jibber jabber and make all kinds of funny sounds.

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