Monday, January 25, 2010


Kendi's version:

My version:
Yesterday, Kendi gave the prayer in primary. I went in to watch her. When I went in the back door I realized there was no where to stand. So I went back out to go in the side door. Apparently, Kendi saw me leave because when I came back in she was puckered up ready to cry. After she saw me she still wouldn't stop crying. I kind of knew this was going to happen. She is so good as long as I'm not there, but if I'm there she gets moody. So I pulled her aside and tried to talk to her about giving the prayer. For some reason, she was set on giving the talk and was refusing to say the prayer and was getting more upset. Finally, I told her I had a candy bar in my bag if she would say the prayer. She immediatly perked right up and went back to her chair. I wasn't sure if Kendi was going to need help. She is so good at giving prayers at home. Some time inbetween her going back to her seat and giving the prayer I got trapped between two isles of chairs. Yes, we have a huge primary. There are thirty sunbeams alone. Anyway, I figured the leaders could help her if she needed it. When it was her turn she got right up there and said a very well thought out prayer all by herself. Even the other primary kids were impressed and kept telling her she did such a good job. It was a proud moment for me.

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