Monday, July 26, 2010


Usually, I'm awake before my kids and after Jared has left for either basketball or work. I normally get to eat my breakfast in peace. Lately, I've been sick and have lost the ability to hear, smell and breath while I'm asleep. So I don't get much sleep and Jared has to stay home and work while he waits for me to get up and watch the kids. So lately, when I eat my breakfast the kids are hanging on me and needing me to get them food, bottles, wipe bums, etc. This morning Aydri was hanging on me and wanting me to pick her up. When she throws a tantrum I try to ignore it. Aydri's tantrums are wild. She got to the point of screaming her head off. I was calmly eating my breakfast and repeating "Say up, please" to her over and over. All of a sudden she stopped crying and quietly cried, "uhh, peese."

Aydri doesn't talk much so this was really sweet. Needless to say, I picked her up.

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