Monday, July 26, 2010

Hard Worker

Kendi has learned to read. It's been a process and I don't know why I haven't mentioned it yet. Right now she is four sets into the Family Reader books. We've been reading these books since Christmas when we got them from Gma and Gpa Barnes. Before that she learned the alphabet and letter sounds with hooked on phonics. Her attention span has gone from just a few minutes to over an hour. She can read the books all by herself. I'm so proud of her. I feel inadequate to be her teacher. I'm going to try to find a program that can help me help her. We are planning on home-schooling our kids. I started teaching Kendi a little at a time just to see what would happen. Her ambitions for learning are what have kept us going. It is our favorite time of day and we don't seem to have any conflict during lessons. I've tried to figure out what makes this time of day run so smoothly so that I can apply it to the rest of our day.

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