Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Another Brag Post

Aydri has started putting words together. Some I've heard her say today are: "Ew, gross," "Drink of water," "Bye, Deh wee" (Cari) and "I don't know." She says new things everyday. Some words that surprise people because of how clear she says them are, "What!" "YES!" "uh huh" and "uh uh." I love this stage, she is so funny.

Aydri loves to sing. She will sing for hours. She wakes up singing and sometimes we hear her singing in the middle of the night. She loves to dance too.

Kendi and Aydri have been playing really well together lately. They will play together non stop for over an hour. It's so fun to hear them giggling together. Occasionally, they fight too. I have to talk them through their conflicts to show them how to get along.

Kendi has quite the imagination. She comes up with creative names like, Shula, Ellie, Pellie, Jellie, Jeskie, Leesie, Mulan, Crasie, Barbie and Chellie.

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